
RESOLVED: Google DNS servers not resolving RedShield domains correctly

RedShield engineers have detected an issue caused by Google public DNS servers at IP address, in which they are currently not responding correctly for requests to RedShield hostnames. 

This issue has been raised with Google for resolution. Customers may use alternative DNS services such as Level 3, on IP address, which is functioning correctly. 

RedShield systems are currently functioning normally including our global DNS servers; however many customers whose connecting clients use Google's server as their DNS server may be experiencing problems resolving DNS for sites hosted by RedShield. 


UPDATE 7:50AM 16/11/2016: Google are currently resolving our hostnames with no reported issues. We are investigating options for implementing additional DNS providers to reduce exposure to third party issues in our domain structure. 


UPDATE 9:50AM 16/11/2016 We have implemented upgrades to our DNS hierarchy which reduces Google's risk of failing to reach an authoritative server during the resolution process. This issue is marked as resolved; there is currently no known customer impact. 


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