Customer Identification: Services via Washington DC IBM datacenter
Start Date: Tuesday 16th-April-2024 21:00 US Eastern Time
End Date: Friday 17th-April-2024 03:00 US Eastern Time
Event Type: Scheduled maintenance
Subject: Infrastructure move of Washington shield clusters
Expected Service Impact: None
Event Description:
RedShield Infrastructure team will be performing a move of the Washington shield clusters from IBM's WDC01 to WDC07 data centre. This will occur between April 16th 21:00 Hrs and April 17th 03:00 Hrs US Eastern Time. While the maintenance window is set for six hours, we expect no service downtime.
If you have any problems after this time frame with regard to connectivity, or if you have any questions regarding the maintenance at any point, please open a support ticket.
Services Associated With This Event:
Traffic via Washington datacentres.