
Global DNS Update - Additional Name Servers

Customer Identification: All Customers
Start Date: 26 May 2020, 10:00 AM UTC
End Date: 26 May 2020, 11:00 AM UTC
Event Type: Planned Maintenance
Subject: DNS Name servers addition
Expected Service Impact: None


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Event Description:

RedShield will be performing an update to several domains, updating the DNS name server list to include an additional four name servers to each pool, to increase provider resiliency. The change is scheduled between May 26th 10:00 Hrs -  May 26th 11:00 Hrs UTC. This is to improve the resiliency of the RedShield global DNS platform. While the maintenance window is set for 1 hour, we expect no downtime.

If you have any problems after this time frame with regard to connectivity, or if you have any questions regarding the maintenance at any point, please open a ticket.

Items Associated With This Event

Global Name resolution service

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